1. Solar-powered Circulation • Nutrient Reduction/Removal • Mixing • Oxygenation • Algae Control

  2. Treated Water Storage Tanks • Lakes/Reservoirs • Stormwater Ponds • Estuaries • Wastewater Lagoons/Aeration Basins


Below is general information about Medora Corporation's solar-powered (SolarBee) and electric-powered (GridBee) mixers for wastewater applications.  Links to the Medora website are listed where you can find more detailed information.

How much can you save?  Sometimes $millions. The aeration system at the wastewater plant is often the largest consumer of electricity in the city.

In the past, the answer for every problem seemed to be to increase the horsepower (hp) by adding more aeration. Today, with the average US cost of electricity over $0.10 per kwh, that extra energy is costing cities many millions of dollars in wasted energy over the life of the equipment.

When you analyze aeration, typically only a small part of the aeration energy consumed - 20% to 50% - is actually needed for production of dissolved oxygen (DO) for the BOD and nitrification bacteria. The rest of the energy is being used just for mixing: getting the DO to the bacteria that need it.

That's where SolarBee and GridBee mixers come in. Medora's mixers take advantage of the way water forms thin horizontal layers in all reservoirs. They pull water in from all corners of the basin (up to 700 ft from the machine in all directions, and at the desired depth based on the setting of the adjustable intake plate) and provide vigorous effective mixing that distributes the DO evenly and throughout the mixed depth.  

Using solar-powered SolarBees or low energy GridBees to do the mixing, operators can turn down their aeration to just produce the required DO.  In most energy reduction projects this equipment has a 1-3 year payback in energy savings and saves our customers $millions over the 25 year design life.

And factory engineers are there to guide you, all the way through the design, startup and operation process.

As you go through the rest of Medora's wastewater site, you'll also find good information on using SolarBee and GridBee circulators for BOD and TSS reduction, ammonia (N) and phosphorus(P) reduction, in-basin sludge digestion to avoid dredging, and odor control  in addition to energy savings.

All of Medora Corporation's wastewater equipment offers these standard features:

• Complete range of sizes that fit virtually every wastewater basin or pond, regardless of the application; this greatly reduces the number of machines required and the initial cost of the project.

• Choice of solar-powered (SolarBee) or electric-powered (GridBee) equipment.

• No infrastructure requirements beyond any basic wiring; all equipment is portable, transportable, and easily relocated to another location if ever desired.

• Factory delivery and installation;  service plans are also available.

• Available on a "try-before-you-buy" pilot or rental basis,  95% of pilots convert to a purchase.

• SCADA outputs are available, and various other options.

• Long parts and labor warranty, from two years to 25 years depending on the machine model and component.

• For private companies purchasing solar powered mixers, there are extensive tax benefits that greatly reduce the cost of the equipment.

Activated Sludge Applications

Lagoon Applications

Water Reuse Applications

Peer Reviewed White Papers

Customer Experiences

Product Information

Potable WaterPotable_Water.html
Waste/Reuse Water
Industrial WaterIndustrial_Water.html
Storm WaterStorm_Water.html
Lakes/Raw WaterLakes_Raw_Water.html

The original SolarBee solar-powered circulators were successfully applied to facultative wastewater lagoons.  By gently mixing larger ponds, municipalities were able to save millions of dollars in upgrade costs to improve treatment for growing populations.

Within a few years, SolarBees were being used to displace grid-powered mechanical aerators in partial-mix ponds.  Each machine could provide the mixing of a 30 - 50 hp aerator, saving energy and reducing maintenance.

Currently, SolarBee and GridBee circulators are in over a thousand wastewater treatment ponds around the world.  They are powerful enough to reduce energy costs and improve mixing in aeration basins and industrial wastewater,  while being flexible enough to provide odor control in sludge storage ponds.

Medora Corporation's factory engineers are experts at determining the optimum application of their equipment to meet your water quality goals.  Contact E2 Water Solutions for case studies of projects similar to your own.