1. Solar-powered Circulation • Nutrient Reduction/Removal • Mixing • Oxygenation • Algae Control

  2. Treated Water Storage Tanks • Lakes/Reservoirs • Stormwater Ponds • Estuaries • Wastewater Lagoons/Aeration Basins


Stormwater applications can have similar goals to lakes, water reuse, or wastewater ponds (if an EPA discharge permit is involved). Please see those sections of our website as well for more information. Links are listed to more detailed information on the Medora Corporation Website.

Stormwater ponds come in all types, sizes, shapes and depths. As shown below, there can be a wide variety of goals for each of them. Our electric (GridBee) and solar-powered (SolarBee) circulators can help you meet your goals in virtually all stormwater applications.

Combined stormwater overflow (CSO) ponds, ponds designed to hold water until it can be directed through the wastewater treatment plant;  goals may include:

•Keep solids suspended so they pass through without settling

•Odor cap the top of the pond to prevent sulfide release

•Prevent  short circuiting for longer true detention time

•Reduction of energy cost and maintenance cost compared to existing aeration system

Industrial stormwater ponds goals may include:

•Meet EPA NPDES discharge permit limits for pH, BOD, and TSS

•Odor control

•Reduction of energy cost and maintenance cost compared to existing aeration system

Neighborhood detention (short term storage during rainfall) or retention (longer term storage, usually has water all the time) stormwater ponds, goals may include:

•Phosphorus and nitrogen reduction, to meet TMDL (total maximum daily load) standard for the watershed the pond discharges into

•Blue-green algae control, to prevent animal deaths and odors

•Odor cap the top of the pond

•Reduction of energy cost and maintenance cost compared to existing fountains or aeration systems

Combined water reuse and stormwater ponds, usually used for irrigation of golf courses or farmland, goals may include:

•Decrease odor problems at the pond

•Decrease odor problems at the irrigation sprinkler

•Decrease irrigation plugging problems

•Blue-green algae control, to prevent animal deaths and odors

Reduction of energy cost and maintenance cost compared to existing aeration system

Peer-reviewed & White papers

Customer Experiences

Product Information

Potable WaterPotable_Water.html
Waste/Reuse WaterWaste_Reuse_Water.html
Industrial WaterIndustrial_Water.html
Storm Water
Lakes/Raw WaterLakes_Raw_Water.html

Storm Water is water that originates during precipitation events.  Most surface waters in Florida are heavily influenced by stormwater; as water runs off of rooftops, streets, and even fertilized landscape, the contaminants and excess nutrients create an unhealthy environment that can ruin the recreational and aesthetic benefits of the lake or pond.  SolarBee circulators form the foundation of our economical and ecological solution for problems such as harmful algal blooms, impaired fishery, water clarity, odors, and reduced property values.  For smaller ponds with available electricity, the GridBee units are an ideal tool for restoring a community lake to pristine conditions.